Tuesday, June 22, 2010

EL Rutty's First Finished Painting

I'm DONE!!!

okay so what did I learn?

Well first, I don't know how to mix paint colors. At all.

The final colors in this painting weren't exactly what I was planning. I think the only color I nailed was the purple. I was extremely excited about that.

Well better luck next painting... which I still haven't quite figured out.. which we are supposed to paint this monday. Gah.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Painting 2: Peanut's Sketch

I was kind of inspired by our trip to Mexico with this one. I think I managed to incorporate all the mandatory words in this but I'll let Nugget the Word Cop be the judge. This is probably the longest I've spent on one drawing in a very long time and I have to say it feels good to draw again. Painting this one is going to be rough.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

EL Rutty's First Rough Sketch...

I gotta retool this a bit. I hate that I did the one robot giving rabbit ears... but this is the general idea.

Hopefully by next week Ar and I will post our FIRST paintings finished. Cuz it's been a bad time trying to get that together... and WE MUST get them done before "We Can't Paint" meets again for the next painting night.

Jenn's Sketch

Here is my first rough sketch. Ellery, I don't think I got the angles right on the photo vs. the way they took it. I can't seem to get my head around it properly haha. Helps??

Monday, June 7, 2010

Painting 2: Nugget's Sketch

First one to finish their sketch: Nugget.

Maybe she mixed 'confused' with 'drunk'.


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Painting 2: June 2010

We pulled the new words for our next painting, this time sans Teen.
This one's going to be tough.

Rutty and I are off to Mexico Saturday. First painting still not done and a new one to think about.


Friday, May 21, 2010

The New 'We Can't Paint' Word Jar

Woohoo! A new jar for our 'We Can't Paint' words.
It smells of Peanut Butter.

Last to Comment: Peanut

I don't really know what to say but since everyone else (including Nugget) said something about the first painting night, the pressure was kind of on. So apparently in the land of the blind the man with one eye is king. In our novice group of painters, having done a few crappy paintings in the past was enough to qualify me as king and the person to field the questions of which I had very few answers. Or at least not the correct answers. I don't know how comfortable I am in this role since I really don't know what I'm doing when it comes to painting. If you want someone to show you how to knit, I'm your girl.

So my painting...
I had a few things I wanted to try to do. I wanted to stay away from outlining and try to be more realistic with the paper fringe texture on the pinatas. So far I think it's more successful with the decapitated horse pinata than with the green-eyed monster pinata, which looks more like a muppet. And I wanted to really push the pose because I think my posing skills are weak. Afterall, no amount of detail or rendering can hide a weak pose. I still have another painting session's worth of work to do in order to finish my painting before we go to Mexico.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Teen's Commentary on the First Assignemt

I had a lot of fun painting! It was fun to play with the paint colours! Colour Theory is fun! i really enjoyed it when I had my wine hand in hand with my paint brush ;) I agree with Jenn that we should try to push ourselves in both the drawing and painting aspects. Also to avoid the solid colour stuff.

It was fun and I can't wait for the next assignment! When will we draw the words?!?!!?!?!?

Also, a snack sounds scrumcious!

Jenn's Thoughts on Month 1

Well, after completing my first painting in the group it is decided that I cannot, in fact, paint. My goals for next month are to steer away from the elementary style ground and sky, as well as incorporating some sort of method into the painting, more advanced than a paint-by-numbers-esque style. I am hoping to at least advance my drawing skills throughout this process and come up with some cool stuff as we go!

Looking forward to the next assignment. Also, perhaps I will put out a snack for a certain young lady who pesters as soon as she finishes her painting ;)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Commentary from Mika

As you may know my painting was done 1st.
I wanted to put the paintings in the order that they were finished.
but the boss (PEANUT) Said NO!
Anyway this is the order it would be in if we posted the paintings in the order that they were finished then it would go like this...
Me (nugget) - Jenn (jubb jubb) - Christine (teen) - Arlyn (peanut) then eventually Ellery (rutty)
would finish.

Commentary from EL Rutty...

So last night was the first painting night (as can be seen from the previous post) and I'd say it went fairly well.

What I learned from the experience...

- Painting is hard.
- I don't know color theory at all.
- I never have enough of a color, or too much.
- I don't want to do another painting with such little details again.

I only finished half of the painting, and even what I did finish, I didn't get a chance to do the outlining for detail...

I believe Arlyn and I were the only two who didn't finish, so we will have to have another session before the month is up and new words are picked.
last night we also discussed bringing in a guest teacher along the way... hm. Wonder who we could sucker into coming by our little group...


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our First Painting Night

Jenn and Teen starting on their paintings.

Jenn working on her background colour. Blue sky!

Teen also working on her background colour.

Arlyn and Mika, serious painting faces.

Ellery mixing colours. This part was very stressful.

The near finished portion of Ellery's painting. There's still the other left hand side to do.

Teen with her finished painting.

Arlyn's work in progress with a slight adjustment from the original sketch.

All the paintings at the end of this session.

Jenn's finished painting.

Mika's finished painting

Teen's finished painting.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

EL Rutty's Sketch...

Okay so I'm last up.

You see the horse thing pinata is jealous that he's not filled with candy and getting all that crazy kid attention... you see the horse pinata is filled with nails and bolts... which may be poorly rendered\thought out now, but I may figure a way to be more clear about that later.

Also the other pinata has a kid jumping.

Also the other pinata is a Narwhal.

This sketch had more line mileage than I was hoping for... and maybe has a few more characters than I wanted...

Teen's Sketch!

I finally did it! My first sketch! As you can see there are arrows indicating which of the three words is being used. I haven't decided if I am going to keep the dialogue bubbles in the painting, you will find out when I post the painting! And that mushroom like thing coming out of the jealous boy's mouth... is that thing when anime characters are stressed. Watch an anime cartoon or read Scott Pilgram and you will see the mushroom like thing come out of their mouth.. it's weird but cool at the same time!

Enjoy! Best wishes!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nugget's Sketch

The Frog Pinata is able to jump!
I can jump! (says the Frog Pinata)
The Hippo Pinata can't jump now he is jealous of the Frog Pinata.
The Hippo Pinata says, He can jump! Why can't I ?


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Peanut's Sketch

So Jealous-Jumping-Pinata was probably the worst word combination for our first painting but this is what I came up with:

Jealous: The Green-Eyed Monster (who also happens to be a pinata)
Jumping: check.
Pinata: check and check.

I have serious issues drawing hands and feet. Can you tell?


Jenn's Sketch

Straight from my other blog to here...

I managed to incorporate nerdy evolutionary theory into my childish painting plan. For some reason after I sketched it out, this poem came out. I'm hoping it will distract from my horrible painting ability...

So he jumped with full might,
But no candy would fall,
For this short necked giraffe,
Laughing stock of them all.

Though he wished and he wished,
He could make his neck grow,
Lamarck's theory was wrong,
As Darwin's would show.

He was destined to loom,
In the shadows below.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Painting 1: May 2010

So on the night of Wednesday, May 5th, our little group gathered in the "We Can't Paint Studio" and picked out our first project's 3 words.

Pinata? picked on Cinco De Mayo? Alright.

So will we see jumping pinata's who are jealous? Someone jealous about a jumping pinata? Me giving up and just drawing a square smoking a cigar?

Time will tell.

Keep checking back for our artists posting rough sketches.


-EL Rutty.

The Intro

The Project:
We put a bunch of random words (nouns, verbs, adjectives) into a container and every month we pull out three words as our monthly painting theme. Then we meet once a week to paint.

The Rules
All three words must be incorporated in the painting.

The Purpose:

So that one day we can eventually say “We CAN paint!”

Jenn Taylor
Age: 26
Occupation: Animator
Skill Level: Beginner

Jenn has little experience painting. She enjoyed art as a child, and participated in print-making and drawing. She hasn't regularly painted and is looking forward to the learning process in the coming months.

Mika Bantog

Age: 8

Occupation: Grade 3 Student

Skill Level: Pretty good for a kid.

Mika (aka Nugget) has dabbled in finger paints in her formative years and eventually moved on to using brushes as her dexterity improved.
She enjoys pottery and playing on the monkey bars.

Arlyn Bantog
Age: 32
Occupation: Production Manager

Skill Level: Meh

Arlyn (aka Peanut) used to draw for a living but you wouldn’t know it now. When not sitting in front of a computer at work, she mostly knits and crochets things.

Teen Chan
Age: 23... going on 24
Currently unemployed, but hopefully that will change.
Skill Level:
Shit or Shitty
Teen's favorite quote: The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes --Marcel Proust

Ellery VanDooyeweert
Age: 33

Occupation: Editor

Skill Level: Shitty to Mediocre
Though a 15 year animation veteran, Ellery (EL Rutty) hasn't picked up a pencil in 8 years. However, he is ready to try this whole "art" thing again, if only to live up to his title of "World's Greatest Artist" (given to him by his mother...)